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Pong - Das Hörspiel

German artist Julia Soergel has developed an auditory Flash remake of Pong. She reasons that 90 percent of common perception relies on sight and that "we are addicted to sight". Therefore "Blind Pong" was developed - for the sighted audience, that is! Although it is not completely accessible (the menu still consists of visuals and has no auditory feedback) the game can be played by visually impaired gamers. The controls are simple: use the cursor keys left and right to move towards the ball. Find the game here: http://www.julia-soergel.de/pong.html . When you follow the link you will first hear an introduction. You will know when you are in the menu when there a light ambience electronic sound. Press [tab] three times for an easy game, four times for a normal game and five times for a tough game. Then press [enter] to start the game. I suggest you all email the artist to ask her if she could make the introduction menu accessible for the blind! Prick up yer ears!

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