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Pontes Backgammon

title:Pontes Backgammon
download page:link
genre:Traditional games
developer:Pontes games
release:February 2011
features:text, sound
last edit by:Dark


Backgammon is a very old and traditional dice game played sinse the time of ancient babylon. Played on a board of 24 spaces (known as points), the object is to move your pieces to the last six squares and then "bare them off" by rolling the correct numbers on the dice. Things are complicated however by the fact that your opponent will be moving her/his pieces (officially known as checkers), in the opposite direction to you. Should your piece land on your opponents (or there's on yours), that piece is knocked off the board and must be bought on again at the first six squares. You can however protect your pieces by forming blockades of two or more pieces on one square so that your opponent can't land there.

The final interesting complication in backgammon is to do with dice rolls. You roll two standard six sided dice, but this gives you effectively two moves. So, if you roll a four and a two, you could move one piece six squares, or one piece four and one two squares. Rolling doubles gives a possible 4 moves to play.

Put this together and you have a game which is both fairly symple to learn, but has a great deal of strategic options in deciding when best to move, or how best to stop your opponent.

the Pontes version provides sapi for self voicing purposes and many sound effects which may be customized, pluss the ability to play tracks in og format in the background, as well as choose a background audio anbience such as forest or cafe. more than that though, it allows you to play online against another opponent, or against the computer on various skill levels, some of which has interesting complications, ---- or indeed against a human opponent offline at the same computer as well. The interface is very streight forward, allowing you to move about the board with the arrow keys, and pick up chekcers to move with space bar. Review keys are also available to tell you various information such as how many checkers each player has born off, and how many of your checkers are vulnerable to your opponent's pieces.

You can also play with the mouse, moving around the board with left and right, hitting left mouse button to take a checker and right to put one down, with the middle button rolling the dice.

The game also has sscripts for Window eyes, Jaws, System access and Nvda, if you don't wish to use sapi, and you can enable or disable sounds independently, thus making it very customizable.

Pontes backgammon is a commercial game. The free version will let you play offline against the computer on easy difficulty for as long as you like, but will only let you bare off four pieces when playing on hard or in an online game (and sinse most online players won't want a shortened match, this probably means you won't get an online game), though upon buying a license for the game you can play without any restrictions, as well as change your own knickname. A registration for the game will cost thirteen euros, --- that's roughly 11 uk pounds or about 18 dollars.

Scoreboards are also available on site, to show who has wonne the most points.

Another great feature of Pontes backgammon, is the ability to play in different languages. Currently the game supports play in english, Rumanian, Serbian, Croatian, Danish or Tirkish, and other language packs may be easily created by opening one of the language files such as English.lng in notepad and translating it. Any such translations can be sent to Pontes games to be included in the game in future. Another very unique feature the game has is the ability to translate your own text chat comments to your partner using Google translator, meaning that two people playing in diffferent languages can have a conversation, as well as a game.

Though it was built with the Bgt tool see index You won't need that installed to play Backgammon, though undoubtedly having another accessible version of a classic game with many unique options is certainly what the toolkit was intended to do.

So if you fancy a game of skill and chance, feel free to check this one out.

You can find out more about Pontes games on The pontes games page on The audiogame archive site


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