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download page:No link!
genre:Arcade Games
developer:Lights Out Games
release:April, 2021
last edit by:Dark


Lightsout games, makers of the amazing Onslaught, have now returned to bring another Atari arcade classic into the modern world of audiogames; the robot blasting, electrified mazes of Berzerk.

The game is played in first person and takes place in a grid of 16 by 16 rooms, each containing entrances to other rooms along their walls. One of these rooms contains the exit from the level, and you will always be able to find it by the alarm beacons. Unfortunately, the walls of the rooms are electrified so running into them is a bad idea. Even more unfortunately, your far from alone , since the place is also populated by a bunch of robots whose first law is always to zap a human being when possible. Lucky you bought along your own laser gun to even the score, though with robots ranging from the slow but stupid, dumbasses (yes they are called this), the slightly smarter Jackasses, and the very deadly badasses, your odds of survival might not be large.

Control your character with standard a s d w first person commands, complete with ability to strafe left and right, and hit space to fire, however listen out for the electronic chatter of marauding robots and the important sounds of the exit indicator, and stay on your toes, since three lives, and its game over.

A submission to the 2021 No video Jam 2 competition, the game currently is very playable, but other features such as extra lives, scoreboards or different modes of play are likely to be added in future updates, though for now, as another adaptation of a well loved classic and a chance for everyone to bust up some evil robots, rampage will still provide both a lot of fun, and a good solid challenge.


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